[Just for the record, it’s not always
comfortable teaching when the Lord uses your own experiences as examples. Part of the following story happens DR,
during rebellion, and I thank the Lord often for His mercy and protection over
me during that time.]
During my sophomore year of college I was
home for a weekend break. I had spent the evening at a neighbor’s house with
the other college students playing cards and drinking. When I got home I was
hungry and got a block of cheese out. As I held the block in my left hand, with
the tips of my fingers above the cheese, I sliced with a sharp knife in my
right hand. STUPID.
My Dad looked up just as I sliced off the
tips of three of my fingers. Since I was still rather fuzzy from the alcohol,
he was the first one to grab a towel to stem the blood flow. I remember Mom
coming into the kitchen, seeing the blood, and going back out again. Dad
cleaned things up and then Mom came back out to get my contacts out and help me
go to bed. Mom sat with me quite a while that night - I bet she was praying,
that sounds like her.
The cuts were very shallow and didn’t need
additional medical assistance. So, a couple of days later I returned to school
with sore, bandaged fingers which caused a disruption in my volleyball practice-
but that was about it. They healed and I forgot all about it.
Fast forward 15 years: I am now leading
worship for Psalm 19 Ministries here in Syracuse. (Yes, there are lots; I mean
lots, of stories between these…no time now.) My guitarist asked me if I knew
anyone who would like her old guitar as her husband had gotten her a new
electric acoustic. Before I could stop myself, I said, “Sure, I would.” I am so
glad that our Lord is FOR us; otherwise this kind of interference in the norm
of life would be scary!
My father is a retired music teacher and he
had taught us kids, those who wished to learn, to play guitar. I hadn’t played
a guitar since Jr. High…over 20 years! I took possession of this gorgeous
acoustic guitar and began to reacquaint myself with it. When you begin (even
begin again) to play a steel string guitar your fingers hurt. It takes time to
build up calluses. However, mine didn’t hurt - I could play for hours without
The Lord took stupid from my past and
REDEEMED it! Only God does this. He’s the only one who loves us so much that He
uses all things for our good. Take courage my friends! He is an awesome God and
He loves you and me.